Cleaning Your Facility

By global on Aug 25 in Blog.

SARS-COV-2 the virus responsible for COVID-19 Delta variant is fast becoming the world’s dominant strain of COVID-19. The virus can remain on surfaces between 8hours and several days depending on the types of surface it comes in contact with. Surfaces gets contaminated when droplets land on them and contaminated hand touches it.

Decontamination of the facility is therefore vital. It includes cleaning, disinfection and safe waste disposal.

Cleaning: This is a process which removes contaminants such as dust and microorganism, body fluids (or organic matter) that protect them.

Disinfection: This is aprocess by which microorganism that remains after cleaning are reduced to a level which they are not harmful. It is important that ckeaning and disinfection practices are closely monitored and the personnel responsible for the cleaning have correct PPE and are properly trained.

At GPFI the infection control team known as GPFI OSS Team is responsible for developing and approving cleaning and disinfection policies, strategy, setting up of cleaning schedules and monitoring of disinfection practices.

Appropriate PPE must be worn during cleaning product preparatory and while cleaning safety data sheet all cleaning chemicals used must be understood and put into consideration and risk assessment of the job to be done must be measured.

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